10 Things to Consider if You Want a Dog-Friendly Office

Even though everywhere in Europe having an office dog/s is a new trend, in Berlin that is a normal practice. There are many dog-friendly offices all around the city. Berliners love dogs and animals and you can see them everywhere!
Nevertheless, having an office dog is a totally new responsibility level! You need to care for the dog without forgetting about employees and customers. You need to make a good and harmonized atmosphere for all of them. You need to understand, does it is overall possible to have a dog in your office and does it will not harm him or someone else.
Besides all the positive and good things that dog brings inside the office, before taking the office dog, you need to consider 10 very important things:
- Do your employees have some allergies or fears against dogs?
- Do your customers will be happy to meet a dog in the office?
- Is it right for your company and niche to support a dog-friendly office?
- Does your office is enough large and safe for dogs?
- Does the dog have all the required vaccines and flea medications?
- Does the dog have liability insurance?
- What is the character of the dog and how is he behaving?
- How many dogs do we want to allow in our office?
- What to do if the dog damages something or poops on the carpet?
- What to do if the dog distracts employees from their job?
To allow or not to allow dogs in your office is a very good question and there isn’t the right answer! Every company needs to make its decision individually and consider all possible pros and cons. But we, VillaroHome, are very happy every morning in the office meet our Pomeranian Chico!