Glossary for Landlords
Inquiries (Anfrage)
Would you like to have your furnished apartment offered and brokered through VillaroHome living? There are several options for this. You can send an email to, call us or enter in the landlord area of our website all the necessary information and upload some photos.
Contact Person (Ansprechpartner)
Our team at VillaroHome living will be at your side throughout the entire rental period.
Terms and Conditions (AGB)
The general terms and conditions (GTC) are contractual clauses, which serve to standardize and cement the contractual conditions. They regulate the legal relationship between VillaroHome living as a housing broker and the landlord. You can access them at any time in the tenant area or click here.
Showing (Besichtigung)
The potential tenant makes an appointment with our VillaroHome living team to visit the apartment.
Temporary Lease (Befristeter Mietvertrag)
All rental contracts from VillaroHome living are temporary. This means that the contract has a fixed end-date. An extension of the contract is usually possible and can be included in the rental agreement.
Mail Box (Briefkasten)
The tenant should be provided, when possible, with a mailbox for the rental property.
Final Cleaning (Endreinigung)
At the end of the rental period, every tenant is obligated to have the apartment cleaned. This end cleaning is initiated by VillaroHome living. Translator’s note: again, I am not sure of this process so am unsure how to translate it.) The cost of cleaning is borne by the tenant. As a landlord you are required to handover your property in a clean state. If you want a cleaning service for this, contact us here.
Window Cleaning (Fensterreinigung)
As the landlord, you are responsible for cleaning the windows. This is not part of the final cleaning, which the renter pays. We recommend having the windows of your furnished apartment cleaned at least once a year. Again, we are happy to help in organizing this.
Photo Service (Fotoservice)
Professional photos of your property are crucial to the success of renting your furnished apartment. VillaroHome living offers a photography service free of charge, as part of the placement. Our team will make beautiful photographs of your apartment, targeted for the rental market; we will be able to underscore and optimize all the advantages of your furnished apartment.
Basic Equipment (Grundausstattung)
Each furnished apartment should be equipped with the following: bed linens, towels, iron, ironing board, vacuum cleaner, cleaning utensils, fridge, stove, and a washing machine.
Dishwasher (Geschirrspüler)
As a general rule, each “extra” item will increase the value and the rental price of your property. A dishwasher is not strictly necessary, but it does increase the rental opportunities (and price) of your furnished apartment.
House Rules (Hausordnung)
The house rules apply to all parties living in the house. If you have not already hung them somewhere in the house, you should provide a copy to the tenant and add it as an attachment to the rental agreement.
Pets (Haustiere)
Many landlords do not want the tenants to bring their pets into the furnished apartment. However, we recommend that you decide whether or not to permit animals on a case-by-case basis. We require that tenants who come to Berlin with their pets inform us up front.
As a rule, the furnished apartments are equipped with an Internet connection and the costs are included in the rental price. If there is no Internet available, we are happy to help you install an Internet connection.
Deposit (Kaution)
Each tenant is obligated to pay a rental deposit. In general, this is equivalent to two months rent. The deposit serves as security for the landlord and can only be used for possible damages or necessary additional expenses. If the tenant leaves the property in excellent condition, the deposit must be refunded as quickly as possible after the tenant vacates the premises.
Basement (or Cellar) (Keller)
Generally, furnished apartments do not include a storage room in the basement. However, it sometimes happens that the tenant needs additional storage space, in which case we will discuss this separately with you.
Rental Period (Mietdauer)
The length of temporary rentals will obviously vary. Normally, the apartment is rented for at least three months. Since most tenants want an extension option for their rental contract, the apartment should be available for at least six months. In principle, rental contracts for furnished apartments are only for a limited time.
Rental Contract (Mietvertrag)
After the potential tenant has chosen your apartment, VillaroHome living will set up a legal rental agreement. This is first signed by the tenant and then by the landlord. The mailing is usually digital. If you need an original, please contact us.
Furnishings (Möblierung)
VillaroHome living specializes in furnished apartments. If your apartment is unfurnished, no problem! Our team will gladly assist you in furnishing your apartment with furniture, decorations and/or appliances. If you do not have either time or desire to take care of it yourself, allow us to take over the work for you. From consultation to implementation, we can handle all it all. For more information, contact us by email, phone or just click here.
Ancillary (or Additional) Costs/Utilities (Nebenkosten)
The rent includes all ancillary costs (electricity, water, heating, for example). These are itemized separately in the rental agreement, so as to ensure that any costs for excessive use are borne by the tenant. If there are additional costs that need to be included in the rent, please let us know so that we can adjust the exposé accordingly.
Parking Place (Parkplatz)
If your apartment has an underground garage or parking space, it will be listed separately in the exposé. Should there be any extra costs for this, we will indicate it in the exposé.
Duties of the Landlord (Pflichten des Vermieters)
While the apartment is being rented, you need to be available to VillaroHome living and/or your tenant in case of an emergency. We gladly take care of communicating directly with your tenant, but should something in the apartment break or get damaged, you will have to make whatever decisions are necessary. As a landlord, you must always keep VillaroHome living up-to-date on changes of rental price, any upgraded appliances or electronics, and the availability of your apartment.
Commission (Provision)
In Germany, the commission is due according to what’s called the “ordering principle”. This means that the client, i.e. the landlord, has to pay the commission. The commission due date and amount is outlined in the brokerage contract. If you have any further questions, please contact us personally.
Renovations (Renovierung)
From time to time a small face lift of your home may become necessary. Or, maybe you simply wish to update your place. When it comes to renovations, VillaroHome living can be a valuable partner for you. For more information please contact us personally.
Radio and Television Fees (Rundfunkgebühren)
Normally the tenant is responsible for the payment of the ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio public media fees. If you are already paying this fee, please let us know. This should be listed accordingly in the lease to then be included in the rent.
Damages (Schäden)
Should there be any damage, the tenant is obliged to report this immediately to the owner as well as the VillaroHome living team. Most damages are taken over by the tenant’s liability insurance. Once the lease is signed, the tenant is obliged to get such insurance.
Handover of the Keys (Schlüsselübergabe)
The keys are generally handed over at the same time as the handover of the rental property. The number of keys is recorded in the handover protocol or in a separate key log. VillaroHome living coordinates the handover date for you.
Electricity Costs (Stromkosten)
The cost for electricity consumption is included in the rent and is derived according to the rate of normal consumption for the corresponding size of apartment. This is explicitly stated in the rental agreement. Should the cost exceed the normal rate of usage, the additional costs are borne by the renter and should be paid once a bill has been submitted.
Handover Protocol (Übergabeprotokoll)
The handover protocol is part of the handover process of the rental property. Things such as the meter readings, possible defects and/or issues, and the number of keys given are recorded in all copies. In most cases, corresponding photos are also added as an attachment. The transfer log is signed by both parties – the landlord and the tenant – and forms the basis for dealing with any issues or damages after the tenant has moved out.
Extension Option (Verlängerungsoption)
Since the tenants of a temporary home often cannot accurately estimate at the beginning of the rental period, how long they need the apartment, an extension option of the rental agreement can be contractually agreed upon. Usually, the option can be exercised up to 30 days before the end of the rental period. This option also has a limited duration and is negotiated individually with each potential tenant. We are happy to advise you on this during contract negotiations.
Insurance (Versicherung)
Upon the signing of the rental agreement, the tenant is obliged to take out liability insurance covering any damage to rented objects. We recommend that you, as the landlord, also hold homeowner’s insurance for the items in you home, should there be water damage or theft. Since the tenant is not the owner of the items, he or she cannot insure them.
Washing machine (Waschmaschine)
If you want to rent your apartment for any length of time, you should equip it with a washing machine. In only very rare cases, does a tenant not need this. The chances of getting a tenant are dramatically reduced if your apartment does not have a washing machine.
Water Costs (Wasserkosten)
The cost for water consumption is included in the rent and is determined according to the rate of normal consumption for the corresponding size of apartment. This is explicitly stated in the rental agreement. Should the cost exceed the normal rate of usage, the additional costs are borne by the tenant and should be paid once a bill is submitted.
Confirmation of the Landlord (Wohnungsgeberbestätigung)
Since November 1, 2015, the new Federal Reporting Act (Bundesmeldegesetz – BMG) has been in place. One of the main points of this law is the introduction of the Confirmation of the Landlord. This confirmation is mandatory, and the landlord is required by law (§ 19 Bundesmeldegesetz – BMG) to provide it to the renter, who in turn is required to present it to the appropriate government office for registration. This confirmation can either be issued by the apartment owner himself, or by his/her building management company. It can also be issued by the official tenant if the apartment is sublet to someone else by him or her. Our team is happy to prepare this confirmation for the tenant, which you would then only have to sign.
Apartment Turnover (Wohnungsübergabe)
The turnover of the apartment is carried out either on the day of moving in or shortly before, with the tenant and the landlord and/or VillaroHome living present. On the day of the handover, a handover protocol is created and the keys are handed over. The appointment is coordinated by VillaroHome living. When you would like to make an appointment for the turnover, please contact our team. You are also welcome to take advantage of our paid service. More information can be obtained here.